Clark College is a top community college located in Vancouver, Washington. Clark College Foundation supports the strategic needs of the College by providing financial resources and other assistance.
Clark College and the Clark College Foundation wanted to create a strategic plan with the vision, goals and implementation plan that would aligned the needs of the College, students, employers and communities served by the College.
- Enrollment at the College was increasing rapidly
- At the same time, the state funding was down from roughly 65% to 45% of budget
Created a cross functional team that included College Board of Trustees, Foundation Board of Directors, College President and key College and Foundation staff. Conducted numerous working sessions to:
- Understand needs of key stakeholders, particularly College
- Develop shared vision and goals 10 years into future
- Identify key priorities and strategic initiatives
- Develop implementation plan with specific actions, responsibilities and timelines
- Identify resources and capabilities to achieve desired outcomes
- Created solid strategic plan with buy-in from all key constituencies
- Helped create ways of working that helped take College and Foundation relationship and results to next level